for Opencart v.4.x.x
Open the menu Catalog and at the bottom you will see a node "Instant Product Editor". Click on in and you will see the extension on the screen. Initially the table would contain only the checkbox and edit and view button. Click on the checkboxes above the table to enable/disable the columns. There is toggle all button too.
Focus on the Product model field on a single product. Make a change. Either on focus out or when you stop editing the cell will be highlighted in yellow for a moment indicating that the change has been saved. The same apply for all other editable cells. On change the cell value will be saved to the database.
Enable the image column. If you click on the image directly you will see a popup to select your new image. This is the Opencart's default image selector. Once you select the desired image in the popup the popup will be closed and the image will be changed. If you click on the orange button a popup will appear and you can see the remaining images of the product. If you click on the red button next to the orange one, the main image will be removed from the product.
Once you enable the column Category or Filters you will see the selected categories for the specified product. On hover over the cell the list will expand and will include the categories which are not selected, so you can click over them to include/exclude the product from them. Again when you stop changing the selection will be stored to the database and the cell will be highlighted in yellow for a moment.
Once the column Date Available is enabled. And you click over the field you will see a date picker to select your desired date. Once the date is selected the date picker will be closed and date stored to the database.
If there are no special price or discount for the product you will see "Click to edit" text in the cell. Once clicked you will see the popup which will enable you to specify the rules for the product. This in fact is the Product Edit page. So in order to save the form everything must be correct and no errors should be visible. Once you made your selection of rules the fields will appear in the table. By Clicking on them the popup will appear allowing you to edit the rules.
That column is read only but it will display the final price visible from the external users (not logged into the system). The price will have "Gross price" - price with tax and "Net price" - price without tax.
By changing language you will switch the language of the Product Name, Meta Description, Meta Keywords and Tags.
By clicking on the column title (if the text is blue) you can sort the products by the specified column. On the right you will see indication of the direction. First click will sort them Ascending (A-Z) and second click will sort them Descending (Z-A)
Instant Product Editor has another cool feature - advanced filtering. In the default product list you can specify only single value while here you can set a range. Such filter is useful in the price and quantity columns where you can filter products for a specific price range or products with quantity lower than X. Once the filter has values the entire row will be colored in yellow indicating the filter is used.
Available options:
Prices in the Opencart are net. Over them taxes can apply, so the final result is net+taxes=gross prices (the price which the client will have to pay). There are cases where you know the gross prices and want to insert the final price instead of the net price. To do this you can use the "Tax %" field in the top right corner. By changing the value to 10 in that field, it would reflect to all prices in the table and in the product popup. Once there is a value to that field the prices will change accordingly and the affected fields will be with light blue background. The same will apply for product price field in the edit popup form and in special and discount prices when edited. Special and discount prices in the table will change from gray badge to blue one too.
Important to remember that this is only a helper to edit the prices. In fact on save the prices would be converted back to net prices and stored correctly. Therefore you have to correctly configure your tax bands and rates in order to be shown correctly in the front-end of your shop.
A product with price of 100. If you change the Tax field to 20 (which is 20%) the price column value will become 120. If you edit the price and from 120 it’s changed to 150 then the net price stored to the database will be 125 (remove 20 from the tax field and you will see the price is 125).
Click on the link "Reorder Columns" next to Toggle All Columns. The checkboxes will become boxes which you can drag and sort using your mouse. Make your desired order and press the "Save changes" button. The checkboxes box will be highlighted yellow for a moment indicating that the changes has been stored. The table should be updated using the new order.